Access and Hours

Salle de lecture du 8, place du Panthéon.





The library is open Monday to Friday from 2pm to 6pm at 8, place du Panthéon.


The library is closed on national holidays (1er janvier, 21 avril, 1er mai, 8 mai, 29 mai, 9 juin, 14 juillet, 15 août, 1er novembre, 11 novembre, 25 décembre), and two weeks during the final week of the calendar day and two weeks during the summer.


The library is closed from December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025.






Conditions of consultation




Any person over the age of 18 wishing to work with the BLJD collections can register in person or by this link.


In order to create your reader card, please bring an ID photo, an identification document, and either a professional or student ID to your first visit.


Consulting documents


Library material can only be consulted on site and are not eligible for interlibrary loan (ILL). Requests to reserve documents must be made at least 48 hours in advance by sending the form available here to . Up to ten documents can be reserved per day.


Consultation of library material is carried out in compliance with the standard regulations and the provisions of donations and collections bequeathed onto the BLJD. Written authorization from the beneficiaries may be necessary depending on the collections (for any questions on this subject, write to


Consultation of documents is subject to their state of conservation. When there is a reproduction, any request to consult the original document must be verified. Consultation of printed material is possible if the copy kept at the BLJD is the only one available in Île-de-France or if it has special features (annotations, for example).


Reproduction of documents


Apart from documents whose property rights have fallen into the public domain, reproduction may be subject to the authorisation of rights holders depending on the collection. For published printed matter, 10% of the volume of the document is permitted for reproduction.


If the above conditions are met, photographic photography for personal purposes is authorised. Scanners are prohibited.


For any reproduction of a document as part of a dissemination project, a request must be sent in advance to the library. The library is not equipped to carry out digitalisations in-house: it is possible to carry them out yourself using a camera or to call on a service provider through the library.


For any questions on these subjects, write to




Access and contacts


Adress :


8, place du Panthéon,

75 005 Paris

Phone: 01 44 41 97 90
Métro : ligne 10 : Maubert-Mutualité/Cardinal Lemoine
RER : ligne B : Luxembourg

Bus : lignes 21, 27, 38, 84, 85, 89